Behavior Expectations:
- Be in your assigned seat, quiet, with your choir folder and sharpened pencil, ready to begin rehearsal BEFORE the tardy bell rings.
- Talking is not allowed in class. During rehearsal, if your section is not singing, you are expected to be following along and silently studying your part.
- Raise your hand to be addressed by teacher. Be courteous to others and listen while they are speaking and or singing
- Be kind and respectful to peers, teachers, and guests.
- Eating, drinking, and gum chewing are not allowed in the fine arts wind, therefore not allowed in the choir room. There will be no grooming in class of any kind.
- Take care of the choir room and all equipment and materials. The piano, phone, stereo and sound equipment are off limits to students. The practice rooms, ensemble rooms, and director’s office are off limits without permission from the choir director.
- Remain in your assigned seat throughout class. All personal needs should be taken care of before the bell rings. This includes restroom, Kleenex, materials, and water. Remain in your seat until the choir director (not the bell) dismisses class.
- A behavior contract is attached to this handbook and available online thru Charms Office (see attached form). The contract must be signed by parents and choir students.
Behavior Consequences:
- Student / Class warning
- Rehearsal grade deduction
- Parent phone call
- Office referral
Note: Severe offenses will automatically result in an office referral.
The following rules will be followed at all times:
- Talking is not permitted on stage or in the audience. It is disrespectful to the performers on stage and audience members.
- Do not distract the performing choir in any way.
- Do not leave your seat for any reason during a performance. You will be given ample time to use the restroom and drinking fountain before the concert. If you must leave, do so as quietly and inconspicuously as possible (make sure the doors do not slam shut). Leave between songs only.
- No food or drink is allowed on stage, backstage, or in the seating area. This includes water bottles and gum.
- Cell phones are not permitted in the performance hall at any time.
- Move between the seating area and stage in quiet, single-file lines. Sit in your assigned seat/row. Do not talk as you enter or exit.
- Support your fellow choir members with appropriate applause. Yelling, whistling, shouting names, etc. is not acceptable.
- Set a good example for the audience and other students. Other people may not know how to behave in a concert setting.
- We hope all parents and guests will stay for the concert when bringing a student to a concert. If a student needs to be picked up, please do so in a timely manner.
- Stay for the entire concert